$6,000 Guaranteed Prizepool

Every 2 Months we have a massive $6,000 GTD to be won

Qualifier For Free

Win your entry for by placing 1st to 3rd at regular events.

BuyIn Available

BuyIn for the low price of $25

100% Added to Prize-Pool

All Entries, Rebuys & Addons added to prizepool

Image Description
The NPL SA $6,000 GTD Bi-Monthly Final takes place every 2 months and you can qualify for FREE or buy-in!

To Qualify for FREE play 3 regular games in EACH of the Bi-Monthly Finals month.
E.g. Final in April, qualify period in Feb and Mar, play 3 games in Feb & Mar to qualify for FREE!

$6,000 is the minimum guaranteed prizepool, all Entries, Rebuys & Addons added to prizepool

All qualifications are non transferable.

Please read below or consult with your local tournament director for more details.

Next Event

February to March Final

Venue : TBC
Address : TBC
Date : TBC
Rego : TBC
Start : TBC
Late Rego : TBC
Entry : $25 or via Qualification
ReEntry : $25 before the 1st Break
Addon : $25


Place Value
1st $2,500.00
2nd $1,250.00
3rd $750.00
4th $500.00
5th $250.00
6th $200.00
7th $175.00
8th $150.00
9th $125.00
10th $100.00


Starting Stack : TBC

Blind structure be confirmed

Live Reporting

Be sure to LIKE our National Poker League South Australia and NPL Live Reporting Facebook pages for full updates and live reporting on the NPL Minimum $100,000 Quarterly Final

Wanting to host NPL Poker in your venue?

About Us

NPL is Australia's premier poker events company, currently managing over 500 poker events a week around Australia. We invite all players to join our social poker league.

Our Partners

Trivia Nights Australia

Our Contacts

POBOX 1628
Crows Nest, NSW, 2065, Australia